It's Not To Be Used For Self-Defense But Just How Can Cell Phone Be Useful In a Variety Of Situations.
By Glenn Stevens / C.O.B.R.A. Defense Australia.
We have talked previously about not relying on your phone in a self defense situation. But your phone does have a huge number of uses outside of that. Let’s look at some simple ideas regarding this vital tool.
1. First of all Make sure that your phone is charged when you are out. Can you think of anything worse than needing to make the most important call of your life and there not being enough battery power to complete it?

"The first thing is that I want people to really BELIEVE that they are worth defending. "
-Glenn Stevens
2. Do you have reception where you are? Make sure that your provider has the coverage you need. You really shouldn’t scrimp on this one. Isn't it worth the few extra dollars a month to make sure that you have coverage in as many places as possible?
3. Where is your phone kept? Is it in your purse? In your pocket? Did you leave it at home or in the car? Be aware of where it is in case you need to get to it quickly.
4. Recommended Numbers - There are numbers that you may need urgently without the worry of having to search through hundreds of bits of paper to find it. These are some of the useful, common numbers that I recommend having in your phone.
5. Your Home Number - If someone finds your lost cell phone, he or she can call this number to let you know your phone is intact. Emergency personnel may also try it as an alternative number if there is no answer at the ICE number.
6. ICE (in case of emergency) - Many rescue services now check the ICE number of your phone. In your contacts this should be under I for ICE. This number should store the spouse, parent or close friend who you would like contacted in a case of emergency, so that you may benefit from faster contact and advise in times of crisis. You could also store your blood type and other relevant information under your ICE entry in some handsets that allow notes in the contacts section. Ideally your ICE contact should know your basic medical information, such as blood type and allergies and be able to help emergency services make decisions if needed.
7. Local Police - To report suspicious activity or if you witness someone else who needs help
8. Your Roadside Assistance Company - If your car breaks down in an inconvenient location this number will make your life a lot easier. When you call let them know if you are a lone female or if you have a small child in the car with you as you may be placed in a higher priority.
9. A Reputable Taxi Company. If you need to leave a venue earlier than expected or you've had a bit too much to drink and cant drive home, it is a good idea to have a reputable taxi company to take you where you need to go rather than rely on a stranger.
10. Your Doctor - They will have access to your medical records.
11. Local Nearby Hospitals - useful for checking if you haven’t heard from someone that you were expecting to hear from at a certain time.
12. Lost or Stolen Credit Card Hotline - Being able to cancel a credit card the minute you realize that it is stolen can save a lot of worry and will stop the card being used to withdraw any more money.
13. Car Insurance Claims Hotline - If you have a car accident you want to start the process as soon as possible by getting you roadside assistance or towing help. They’ll tell you what to write down and if you need the police.
14. Local Locksmith - Find a trustworthy, local, 24 hour locksmith. There’s nothing worse than being locked out, especially at night.
15. Next Door Neighbors - They may be a big asset to you in an emergency.
16. A Friendly Work Colleague’s Direct Line - Going to be late for work? Need to tell them when you are meeting a client and what time you expect to finish? etc.
17. Poison Control - Very useful. They can give you specific advice and let you know if you need further treatment.
18. PHONE NUMBERS DRILL It may take a little bit of time to find these numbers but it is worth it for the help and convenience that they can bring. So, right now, find these numbers and put them in your phone. I'm serious. Right now. Don't do it later as you may forget. Come on, put the magazine down, find these numbers and put them in your phone. Your life may depend on them.